Here's How Healthy Cooking
Posted by LifeStyle,Technology, and More on Monday, July 6, 2015
Almost every meal there was always food that contains oil. If excess consumption of saturated fats can increase bad cholesterol in the body and can interfere with health.
According to the Minister of Health Regulation No. 30 in 2013, limits the maximum oil consumption is just 67 grams or the equivalent of 5 spoons makan.Untuk support healthy lifestyles, said Noviana Halim, Tropicana Slim Brand Manager PT Nutrifood Indonesia.
The public are also advised to replace the frying process that uses a lot of oil (deep frying) with healthier cooking process, such as sauteing, baking, and pan-frying.Tropicana Slim believe that healthy living can be started from the house, particularly through the food cooked by mother for family.
On the same occasion, Fiastuti Witjaksono, Physician Nutrition Specialist Clinic of the Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia said that the presence of oil in dishes capable of providing a savory taste. However, it does not mean to avoid it, because the body still needs fat from food to help the body work better, for example for energy reserves and helps the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K.
According to the Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition (PUGS) Indonesia, it is recommended to consume the fat man of about <25% of total daily caloric intake, where the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends the consumption of saturated fats <7%, and the remainder to be met by the intake of unsaturated fatty acids. The usual saturated fatty acids contained in animal fats, chicken skin, and palm oil.
Meanwhile, unsaturated fatty acids (unsaturated fat) can be obtained at them from nuts, avocados, corn oil, olive oil, and canola oil. Jenuhmemberikan fatty acid health benefits that can lower LDL cholesterol numbers and increase HDL cholesterol (good). "Therefore, the selection of the proper oil is high in unsaturated fat, can bring health benefits for the body, added the doctor Fiastuti.
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