Who would not want their children to have a good future. By having a child the same as you are faced with a choice of investment to make children fit the desires and abilities as well as your own child.
Motivator well as young entrepreneurs, Merry Riana said not much math for your child's future investments. Give formal and informal education as well as possible and as high.
In fact, in this fast-paced era, parents should be a partner in the child's success. In an age of full competition, the value of a good lesson is not enough to guarantee the success of your child.
However, it takes extra guidance and supervision of the child in the process of practical knowledge and skills. This can be tested by directing the child to always have a purpose in life and a clear future.
Then instill confidence high in the act and take decisions, as well as generate creative ideas and solutions to compete and win.
Children also should be directed to always achieve peak performance in school and life with kemamampua communicate, both in front of one person or many people.
"Teach your child to become a leader in the group, school and life, and taught how to respect and love their parents and others," said Merry in Parenting Expo in SMESCO Building, Jakarta some time ago.
With the above skills children can certainly cope with life, handle the variety of difficulties and won various competitions and achieve success in terms apappun they do.
Merry himself has now opened Merry Learning Center who have learning modules to train the children early. There are two programs offered by the school holiday program with the system during the six-day camp and the regular program with a meeting once a week for three months.
There are several models of learning as a way of processing the money is good money, then learningship and character formation. There is also a special program of public speaking to prepare a child to grow intelligently and confidently.
Source: http://lifestyle-indonesia.com/
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