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Credit Cards More Than Two? Beware of Debt Swell

Posted by LifeStyle,Technology, and More on Monday, June 29, 2015

You have a credit card? The users of these cards should be careful in using it, if not, a fantastic figure bill could make head-cenut cenat.

Financial planners from PT Zapfindo Arzieta Prime (ZAP Finance) Pritchard Hapsari Ghozie reveal, credit card bills can be burdensome if the credit card limit multiplied times of salary or if its too appetite while shopping.

"Remember, for paying under five million per month also often feel trapped when the credit card debt have more than two," he said.

He was advised to stop using credit cards if the bill has swelled. Then try to check the bill, how much use for shopping and how much it costs the interest charged.

Furthermore, immediately to pay off the balance of the bill or increase the amount of credit card payments each month.

"If possible resale of goods to cover the debt," he told Business.

If a person has only one source of income and have trouble paying credit card bills then use the credit card only in emergencies. In addition, limit the maximum credit card limit only one month's salary.

Source: http://lifestyle-indonesia.com/


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